Terms and Conditions

version: 1.2, changed 02.05.2020

This translation from polish version of the Regulamin (hereinafter Terms & Conditions) is provided to help our customers from abroad. It is not a binding document that is not and can not be a part of any legal agreement with Tabletop Order. Binding version of this text is a polish version available at this site.

This document specifies terms of using websites in the tabletoporder.com domain and constitutes terms of all contracts and deals made via those websites and via emailing with addresses in this domain, hello@tabletoporder.com in particular.


User - a person or a company that uses websites in the domain of tabletoporder.com and/or that emails with an address in this domain.

Consumer - a person that is a consumer under the article 22 section 1 of polish Civil Code.

Client - a person or a company that is a party to an Order.

Tabletop Order– the firm of Format7 Bartosz Czernik, address: ul. Powstańców Śląskich (street) 162/32, 53-139 Wrocław Poland, NIP (tax no.): 8992686274, REGON (registration no.): 366209280, email: hello@tabletoporder.com. tabletoporder.com - all websites in the tabletoporder.com domain.

Product - a work and/or a service which is offered on tabletoporder.com or a performance of which is a part of an Order.

Order - a contract of work to which Tabletop Order is a party to and obliges it to create a Product.

Client’s Specification - a detailed description of a particular Product or a collection of Products and/or activities that are to be performed in order to create them.

§1. General rules

Using tabletoporder.com and all legal actions that have a connection to Tabletop Order or tabletoporder.com including andy and all contracts that Tabletop Order is a party to are governed only by laws of Republic of Poland.

This document is a part of every Order.

Tabletop Order’s trade is the creation of modeling works.

Tabletop Order declares that it responds to communication from Users and Clients within two working days of receiving a message. Messages received after 9 o’clock a.m. of polish time are considered received on the next working day. This declaration does not create any obligation on the part of Tabletop Order and cannot be a basis of damanading damages from Tabletop order.

§2 Orders

1.Tabletop Order accepts Orders for these Products: Painted Miniature - a model or a collection of models painted in accordance to Client’s Specification. Base - a base for a model or a diorama or a collection of any of those things. Includes affixing Painted Model(s) to them. Conversion - a model with appearance changed from its manufacturer’s design after assembly or a collage of models or their parts or a sculpture or any combination of those. Assembled Model - a model assembled in accordance to its manufacturer’s manual and/or Client’s Specification.

2. All prices presented on tabletoporder.com are only estimations and their presentation does not constitute an offer and doesn’t limit Tabletop Order in any negotiations.

3. Order Process runs along steps presented below in chronological order:
1. Tabletop Order asks a User to accept Terms of Order that include at least: An estimation of the total price or a set of rules that will be used to determine the total price for an Order. Cost of sending the ordered products to the Client’s address, A deadline for creation of all the ordered products or an explanation how this deadline will be later calculated. Asking a User to accept Terms of Order constitutes an offer of entering into an Order under those terms. Offer is valid for 7 days, counting from the day it was sent. Accepting Terms of Order is equivalent to accepting the offer and laying the Order.
2. After laying an Order, the Client can be obligated to pay a part of the Order’s total price if such an obligation was mentioned in the accepted Terms of Order.
3. Parties to an Order prepare Client’s Specification if it was not prepared earlier. That Client’s Specification becomes a part of the Order. If Client’s Specification differs from the Client's needs in response to which Terms of Order were created, it can be a basis for recalculation of the total price of the Order.
4. Tabletop Order starts fulfilling the Order. While the Order is being fulfilled, Tabletop Order, once in every 7 days informs the client about the progress. During that time acceptance of parts of the Order may take place. Tabletop Orders shows the Client photographs of a finished product and the Client can either accept the Product and confirm that it was created as agreed or specify how the Product doesn’t meet the agreed terms and demand correction.
5. After all Products that are a part of the Order are finished their photographs are shown to the Client so that he can recognize any mistakes made during their creation and submit a request to correct them. If the client does not submit any requests, he confirms that the Products were created as specified in the Order which constitutes an acceptance of the Products. This happens automatically if the Client doesn’t submit any requests within 7 days of showing him the photographs.
6. After the Products are accepted, the client is obligated to pay the total Order price and delivery costs within 7 days of the acceptance.
7. Within 5 days of receiving the payment, Tabletop Order sands the Products to the Client.

4. If any order is processed in a way that differs from the one shown above, the rules set in the section above are applied to it in a way that allows for their maximum application.

5. An Order laid by a Consumer is time limited and lasts for the time needed for fulfilling the Order. The place of performance of an Order is ul. Powstańców Śląskich 162/32, 53-139 Wrocław, Poland.

§3 Warranty

Tabletop Order is obligated to deliver to a Consumer a product, free of legal at physical defects. Rules hereinafter do not limit consumer rights. You can submit a complaint to Tabletop Order via mail addressed to Format7 Bartosz Czernik, ul. Powstańców Śląskich 162/32, 53-139 Wrocław Poland, or via email hello@tabletoporder.com.

Within 15 days of receiving a complaint Tabletop Order will consider the Complaint and inform the Client how it will be handled.

A complaint must include the following data of an entity submitting it: name, contact information, the reason of complaint and associated demand. For the purpose of considering the complaint the Client may be asked to deliver the Products that are faulty to Tabletop Order.

A Client that is not a Consumer can submit a complaint, but Tabletop Order is responsible only for fixing defects caused by not creating the Products in accordance to Client’s Specification. When such a complaint is submitted Tabletop Order will either fix the defect or exchange a Product for a one free of defects. Tabletop Order can also cancel the Order or its part, return the price of defective product to the client. Any and all damages that may be paid in relation to an Order are limited by the Order’s price.

§4 Order cancellation

The right to cancel an remotely concluded agreement does not apply if the object of an agreement is a not prefabricated thing, produced in accordance to a consumer’s specification and/or designed to fulfill his personal needs.

Products, which are created by fulfilling an Order are not prefabricated things, produced in accordance to a consumer’s specification and/or designed to fulfill his personal needs. Therefore Clients do not have a right to cancel an Order.

§5 Final provisions

A consumer can get free help about his rights and any argument with Tabletop Order by contacting the local consumer ombudsman or social organization whose statutory purpose is to help consumers. Information addressed to consumers as well as information about how to get help are available at the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (uokik.gov.pl).

All disputes between a non-consumer Client and Tabletop Order shall be considered by a court whose place of jurisditcion encompases the seat of Tabletop Order.

All agreements to which Tabletop Order is a party are concluded in polish.

Tabletop Order reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions.

A change in Terms & Conditions does not affect contracts that were concluded prior to that change.

A text of these terms and conditions is made public at tabletoporder.com and can be downloaded and saved free of charge by any interested party.

Privacy Policy available at tabletoporder.com is a part of these Terms & Conditions.