Painting Sisters of Battle ep. 1
7 May 2020Warhammer 101: The Chaos Gods
14 October 2022Recently I had a chance to dust off my ogres. Before the pandemic I was playing regularly but that has stopped since the start of the lockdown. Before that I played weekly mostly the 9th Age and Warhammer 40k. This time though it was a birthday game for half of us here at TTO and Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th edition was the name of the game.
My enemy, our own Bartek faced me with his Empire. After a couple of hours with Kasper it was much more colorful than before. 🙂
I have very limited experience with the WFB 8th and decided to port a T9A roster to it. My hope was that with a trusty army composition I would have easier time getting back in the saddle and playing the ol’ game. I actually was surprised how my 4500 point army neatly shrunk down to 2500. Granted some magic items had to be swapped and banners changed hands, but final model count was off by one Bruiser (Irongut) down and a couple of Scraplings (Gnoblars) up.
List makeover
++ Ogre Khans[4,482pts] ++
+ Characters +
Khan [345pts]: Battle Standard Bearer, Hoardmaster, Light Armour . Special Equipment: Mammoth-Hide Cloak (only on Foot)
Shaman [590pts]: General, Gut Roarer, Iron Fist, Light Armour, Pyromancy, Wizard Master . Special Equipment: Binding Scroll, Talisman of Shielding
+ Core +
Bruisers [807pts]: Banner of Discipline, 10x Bruiser, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
Scraplings [350pts]: Musician, 45x Scrapling, Scrapling Foreman, Shield, Standard Bearer
+ Special +
Kin-Eater [175pts]
Kin-Eater [175pts]
Mercenary Veterans with Ogre Pistols [810pts]: Banner of the Gyengget, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Champion, 6x Mercenary Veteran, Musician, Plate Armour, Poison Attacks, Standard Bearer
+ Powder Keg +
Bombardiers [365pts]: 5x Bombardier, Musician
Bombardiers [365pts]: 5x Bombardier, Musician
+ Chained Beasts +
Rock Aurochs [500pts]: Lance
++ Ogre Kindoms ++
+ Lords +
Slaughtermaster [355pts]: Lore of the Great Maw, Wizard Level 4 . Magic Items: BRB – Dispel Scroll, BRB – Talisman of Preservation
+ Heroes +
Bruiser [193pts]: Heavy Armour, Ironfist . Battle Standard Bearer: Look-out Gnoblar . Magic Items and Big Names: BRB – Trickster’s Helm
+ Core +
Gnoblars [167.50pts]: Champion, Gnoblar Trappers, 47x Gnoblars, Musician, Standard Bearer
Ironguts [467pts]: 9x Ironguts . Bellower . Champion . Standard Bearer: AB – Dragonhide Banner
+ Special +
Gorger [90pts]: Gorger
Gorger [90pts]: Gorger
Leadbelchers [225pts]: Bellower, 5x Leadbelchers
Leadbelchers [225pts]: Bellower, 5x Leadbelchers
Maneaters [436pts]: 6x A Brace of Ogre Pistols, Immune to Psychology, Poisoned Attacks . Bellower . Champion . 6x Maneaters: 6x Heavy Armour . Standard Bearer: BRB – Banner of Eternal Flame
+ Rare +
Stonehorn [250pts] . Rider: Harpoon Launcher
The thing that bothered me the most when translating the roster was magic lore. In T9A I would take pyromancy for the swords (+1 to wound in an aura and flaming attack also can be quite good) and the ability to deal with light chaff and hordes. I didn’t remember that the mage lord has to take Gutomancy if I take no other wizards on the battlefield. In the and I think It wasn’t bad but it certainly didn’t synergize as well with this build.
The battle
Scenario: Battle for the pass, grizzly ogres come from the Badlands and Wissenland’s army is there to greet them with cannon balls and sharp (great)swords.
Ogres, just beyond the no man’s land, the forces of Nuln entrenched deep in their territory. Empire’s first turn is rather uneventful, couple of missed cannon shots, few Leadbelcher’s wounds lost to Balthasar’s magic. Ogres don’t have enough range to bring their guns to bear just yet, but the Supreme Patriarch did fly too close, and loses 3 wounds to a bombardier slavo. Knights who are redying themselves for a charge behind him also lose some men thanks to the ogre’s magic.
On turn two the imperial army has better luck with their cannons, knocking some wounds off the Stonehorn. Meanwhile Gelt takes his pegasus to watch over the troops in the back, he couldn’t risk another volley.
Ogre’s ranged units take positions and the Ironguts march forward. Magic takes down some horsemen again and gives regeneration to the Stonehorn. The guns in turn unleash their payload with a devastating effect on the Steamtank.

Turn three is not as good for my opponent. Magic fails when a risky three diced spell costs Balthasar his concentration. The tank misfires and is not looking pretty, when the other cannon shot fails to do much harm.
Ogres finally get to charge, the Steamank is to be the Ironguts’ prize. Maneaters use this time to move up to the flank of the main body of the Imperials. Magic grants an aura of regeneration on another flank. Shooting knocks some wounds off the greatswords and halberdiers. In the combat phase Steam tank is left with one wound.
On turn four the Steamtank’s boiler explodes but fails to do any harm to my army. But the greatswords get a flank charge on the Ironguts and Karl Franz shows no fear engaging the stonehorn. Magic transmutates over a dozen of gnoblars to gold. Cannon kills a Leadbelcher. Next the Greatswords annihilate the Ironguts who take 11 of them to hell, alas the Ogres manage to escape with their lives and the Greatswords are exposed to a charge in the rear. The Stonehorn manages to tie combat with Karl who whiffs miserably on his hit roll.
In the end
At this point Bartek had enough for the night so we called it. In the and a decent come back for the Ogres and an interesting challenge for me. The build felt very similar during the game, and as I expected magic didn’t match it as well. It was also nice to have the reroll ones banner on the Ironguts, it really makes them more reliable. Next time I will play the 8th I think I will go with something else though, maybe more of a cavalry heavy build?